Do you have a question or comment?

Contact us

General enquiry

Call the FDF switchboard on 020 7836 2460

Office hours 9:00am - 5:30pm

Media enquiry

Please contact the FDF press office on 0207 420 7140 or email

Web support

Please email

The FDF on social media

Linkedin: Food and Drink Federation

X: @FoodanddrinkFed

Instagram: @foodanddrinkfederation


Food and Drink Federation
6th Floor
10 Bloomsbury Way
London, WC1A 2SL

The entrance to 10 Bloomsbury Way is on Museum Street in the section joining New Oxford St and Bloomsbury Way.

View map

Company registration

The Food and Drink Federation
6th Floor
10 Bloomsbury Way
London, WC1A 2SL
Tel: 020 7836 2460
Registration number: 210572
VAT number: 761253541