FDF reacts to the appointment of a new Government

05 July 2024

Following the results of the General Election of 4th July 2024, the FDF reacts with its prorities for the new Labour Government. 


Karen Betts, Chief Executive of the Food and Drink Federation said:

Congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer MP and Labour on their decisive election victory. The food and drink industry is looking forward to working in active partnership with the new government as collectively we address the big challenges the food system is facing and create opportunities from them, for individuals, families, communities and our economy.  

With the right conditions, our industry can boost investment, productivity, innovation and growth across our economy.  There is huge scope to improve trade too, and to grow skills everywhere throughout the country, offering more people good jobs and great careers in a sector that’s central to everyone’s everyday lives.  This will improve the resilience of our sector and food security in the UK, as well as contributing to food security in other countries.

We want to work closely with government too to move further and faster towards a more sustainable food system, which achieves net zero and protects nature, while improving our environment by driving up recycling and establishing a successful circular economy.

And we know we have a responsibility to work actively with government and others in helping people to adopt healthier diets and lifestyles, to help improve everyone’s overall health."