Premier Foods - Premier Power Walk

21 May 2024

Recognising how beneficial exercise is to health and wellbeing, in 2023 Premier Foods launched the ‘Premier Power Walk’ – a brand-new workplace health campaign designed to be widely accessible to colleagues and to encourage them to get walking.


Recognising how beneficial exercise is to health and wellbeing, in 2023 Premier Foods launched a brand-new workplace health campaign to encourage colleagues to get walking.

Branded the ‘Premier Power Walk’ the programme was designed to be widely accessible to the business’ 4,000+ colleagues and to incentivise a commitment to fitness. It focused on brisk walking, as this is proven to be particularly beneficial for building stamina, burning excess calories, strengthening bones and for cardiovascular health.

The programme was rolled out over three distinct phases:

  1. In month one, recognising that people’s baseline activity levels would vary, colleagues were encouraged to get moving safely. Warm up tips were shared, and the company’s resident Physiotherapists were on hand to advise on how to alleviate any physical aches and pains they may experience.
  2. In month two, the competition got underway. Colleagues were asked to track their step count and activity levels using the NHS Active 10 app, with prizes teased for individuals as well as site teams.
  3. In month three, winning colleagues and teams were celebrated, prizes were awarded, and the focus of the programme turned to helping colleagues maintain the habit of physical exercise over the long-term. To support this, communication was rolled out across multiple channels over a sustained period including practical tips, information about the health benefits and messages of encouragement.

In its inaugural year, the Premier Power Walk was embraced by colleagues across all 15 sites of the business – a great success! Colleagues shared feedback that they thrived on the competition, felt really encouraged to get moving and felt supported throughout.

The Premier Power Walk will now become an annual fixture in the calendar and an important way in which the health and wellbeing of colleagues is promoted.