Workplace Health Hub

14 May 2024

Working adults spend a third of their waking hours in work, which means our workplaces are key spaces for improving wellbeing. More than 42% of employees pay attention to rewards and incentives program opportunities when they are on the lookout for employment1, and so companies are recognising the importance of investing in this area. 

FDF’s Workplace Health Hub has been designed to support businesses looking to develop or expand their workplace health benefits.



Existing Schemes

Workforce Nutrition Alliance –  Launched by the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in October 2019.   Its aim is to support employers to adopt and expand workforce nutrition programmes to positively impact over three million employees in member organisations and supply chains by 2025 and over ten million by 2030.

Companies can be a signatory of the WNA, meaning they must be committed to using WNA resources to improve employee heath under the following topics:

  • Healthy Food at Work
  • Nutrition Education
  • Nutrition Health Checks
  • Breastfeeding Support

Companies can also make a public commitment via the Nutrition Accountability Framework – the world’s first independent platform for registering nutrition commitments. Endorsed by the government of Japan, the SUN Movement, WHO, UNICEF, USAID and many others. There are 200 stakeholders making over 400 commitments.  The framework will encourage stakeholders to improve action each year, highlighting success stories and providing an equal opportunity for all stakeholders to be recognised for their actions.

BDA – Work Ready

Work Ready is a programme to help keep your workforce healthy and well at work. BDA will create bespoke nutrition programmes for your workers.

British Nutrition Foundation – Healthy Eating Week

Information to support healthy eating in the workplace through an annual Healthy Eating Week. 

Further Information

IGD  - Healthy Eating in the Workplace

BDA Food Facts

Written by dieticians, without scientific jargon, these helpful fact sheets summarise key diet related issues.

Business in the Community - Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight Toolkit

This toolkit provides tips on how to create a  healthy workplace policy and ideas to get employees engaged. Includes tips to support remote workers and shift workers.

NHS Better Health

Free support for implementing a healthy lifestyle, including losing weight, smoking cessation, reducing alcohol intake and getting more active.

MIND Mental Health Support

Managing Menopause at Work

Q and A on workplace health

The Q and A explains the importance in investing in employee health, and gives specific advice to small businesses. There is also advice to improving the health of shift workers and hybrid workers.

Learn more

How to develop a workplace health scheme

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to improving staff wellbeing, and the evidence base on the most effective initiatives is constantly evolving. However, this guide can provide a useful basis for reviewing your approach and making decisions.

Learn more

Case Study: Workforce and employment

FDF members are proud to invest in the health and wellbeing of their workforce, whether that is through offering regular health checks, providing healthy canteen options or running mental health support groups.

Find out more