Understanding your packaging EPR data requirements

09 July 2024

Join us for a deep dive into the packaging Extended Responsibility (EPR) data requirements and timings, including how Ecosurety can help. Ecosurety Policy Manager Louisa Goodfellow and Partnerships Manager Ryan Pedley will run through the detail of:

  • Data collection requirements
  • Data reporting requirements
  • Key changes compared to your previous data submissions
  • There will also be a live Q&A


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Louisa Goodfellow- Policy Manager, Ecosurety

As Policy Manager at Ecosurety, Louisa provides key support to our team, including preparing reports on environmental policy issues and maintaining awareness of new developments. As such she will often be found coordinating responses to policy consultations, advocating policy positions and providing internal guidance to current legislation.

Ryan Pedley- Partnerships Manager, Ecosurety

As Partnerships Manager at Ecosurety, Ryan Pedley builds key relationships with our members, ensuring they are up to speed on their producer responsibility requirements and providing support to analyse and validate their data submissions so they are compliant with regulations.


Compliance managers

Sustainability managers

Procurement managers from brand owners and retailers, placing packaging on the market, who are registered as packaging producers under the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regime

Ecosurety - Understanding yourpacking EPR data requirements