New Registration and Data Reporting requirements under packaging EPR

17 May 2024


Join FDF and DEFRA for this free webinar for members and non-members. With the deadline of 31st May for reporting 2023 data under packaging EPR fast approaching, hear from Defra’s own EPR experts who will guide you through the process and what you need to do to comply.

Specific topics to be covered include:

  • The need for timely and accurate data
  • Who is affected?
  • How to register your business on the RPD portal
  • What data to collect and how to format it
  • Deadlines for reporting
  • The role of Compliance Schemes

There will also be a Q&A where DEFRA will be able to answer any specific questions you have on EPR registration and data reporting. 

If you have any further questions following the webinar, please contact: 


FDF's Packaging Policy Executive, Ellena Andrews.

Please also find this document DEFRA have provided, which contains links to further guidance which you may find helpful.

pEPR helpful links


Download (835 kb)


Jim Bligh– Corporate Affairs & Packaging Director, FDF

Peter Collins– Head of Digital, Collection & Packaging Reforms, DEFRA

Natalie Aldridge– Digital Team Lead, DEFRA

Mark Simmons- Deputy Service Owner, Report Packaging Data, DEFRA

Joanna Carew– Head of Communications & Engagement, DEFRA



Webinar- New Registration and Data Reporting requirements under packaging EPR