Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) are voluntary agreements entered into by UK industry with the Environment Agency to reduce energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. In return for meeting targets, participants receive a discount on the Climate Change Levy (CCL), a tax added to electricity and fuel bills.

The FDF negotiated the overall 'umbrella' industry sector agreement, and set up the subsidiary FDF Climate Change Levy Agreement Ltd. (FDF CCA) to operate it. The FDF CCA is administered by SLR consulting.

The current scheme started in April 2013 and will run until 31 March 2023. We are now working with industry and Government on a successive third phase to run from April 2023.


FDF CCA Guidance notes:

Guidance Note Title Latest version dated
1 What is a CCA? May 2023
2 Applying for a CCA May 2023
3 FDF CCA Administration Charges November 2024
3a FDF Supermarkets Administration Charges November 2024
4 Completing HMRC PP10 and PP11 Forms April 2024
5 Timetable of CCA Activities May 2023
6 Obligations under your CCA including Audits April 2022
7 Reporting data at each Target Period:
Target period Reporting
Target Period Reporting NOVEM
January 2024
8 CCAs and other schemes April 2022
9 Glossary and Abbreviations April 2022
10 What happens if... April 2022
11 NOVEM targets April 2022
12 CCA NOVEM template April 2022
13 HMRC State Aid Reporting October 2024
14 Penalties for non-compliance April 2022
15 Application Documentation May 2023


Updates & milestones

Government call for evidence on electrifying manufacturing!

In July, DESNZ published their ‘Enabling Industrial Electrification: a call for evidence (CfE) on fuel-switching to electricity’ which is open until 20 October 2023 which you can find here. Given that electrification will be the main fuel switching technology for food and drink, FDF will be preparing a response. This survey is part of our evidence gathering, and is open to members and non-members of all sizes including SMEs. Please respond by Friday 29th September. 

Food and Drink CCAs TP6 Target Setting: 2nd August 10 am

This meeting is to provide an update to participants in the Food and Drink CCA managed by the Food and Drink Federation and administered by SLR Consulting. It will cover target setting for TP6, effectively the current two-year extension to the scheme covering 2023 and 2024. The meeting will also outline what will be needed if we are to submit a counterproposal to Government for a lower target. If you would like to register for this meeting, please click here.

Consultation launched: 2 year-extension to CCAs / TP6

At the Budget announcement on 15th March, a new 2-year extension was granted for CCAs, introducing a new ‘Target Period 6’ to cover 2023 and 2024. Eligibility criteria remain the same, and work is underway to agree new targets with 2018 as a baseline. A consultation is underway to agree technical aspects of the extension (with some questions on a potential future scheme) with responses due by 10 May. If you would like to volunteer for informal sub-group for this consultation, please contact

Updated briefing note for operators with Medium Combustion Plant (MCP)

This updated note provides additional clarification on monitoring requirements and reporting periods for combustion plants that have a capacity more than or equal to 1 megawatt thermal (MWth) and less than 50MWth burning any fuel. 

The Environment Agency (EA) is also asking if you, or your representative can complete this survey if you operate or plan to operate an existing MCP in England. Completing the survey will help operators and the EA prepare for future permit applications and compliance activities as required by the Medium Combustion Plant Directive and Environmental Permitting Regulations.

New entrant window for Climate Change Agreements

Net zero

A window for new entrants is now open for a limited time.  This will allow eligible operators another opportunity to join the current CCA scheme and benefit from the discount on the Climate Change Levy whilst the replacement scheme (for post March 2025) is being consulted on. Please submit your application to SLR Consulting no later than 28th February 2022 to allow SLR time to check documents, resolve queries and upload the submission before the Environment Agency deadline of 31st March 2022.  Please contact the helpdesk should you have any questions or require an application pack sending out.


FDF Scotland announces new leadership and sets priorities for industry growth

FDF Scotland is pleased to announce the appointment of James Macsween, Managing Director at Macsween of Edinburgh as its new Chair and Katherine Durie, European Legal Counsel at Baxters Food Group as new Vice Chair.

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Karen Betts’ speech at Ambition 2030 launch event

Read below the full speech our CEO Karen Betts delivered at our Ambition 2030 launch event at London Zoo.

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Strengthening the UK’s Food Security: FDF Reaction to Policy Exchange Report

The report outlines steps for industry and government to drive innovation and support growth in the UK's largest manufacturing sector. 

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