Funding provides opportunities for food and drink manufacturers to address current and future business challenges through the development of innovative solutions across the business, from process innovation through to product development.

The FDF has close ties with various funding bodies across the UK.  These include UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), Innovate UK, the KTN, and the research councils (i.e., BBSRC and EPSRC) as well as regional bodies such as the Greater Lincolnshire LEP.

We also have established connections with researchers within academic institutions, the catapult network and businesses who are at the forefront of the latest innovations. The FDF can connect you with the right people to drive innovation through suggesting funding routes, connect you to potential project consortia collaboration and support with funding applications.

If you are interested in a free expert consultation into your business and where resource efficiencies could be made to increase the productivity of your business, check out the Food and Drink Innovation Gateway.


Join FDF's Free Webinar: Robotics in the food industry

When: 13 September 2024 , 14:00-15:00

In this webinar, our Professional Affiliate member, ABB, will provide an insight into the latest robotic innovations for food and drink applications.

ABB's experts will cover current key factors and challenges affecting food production in the UK such as unpredictable supply chains and labour and skills shortages.

The webinar will highlight:

  • Where robots can add value to your business across the whole manufacturing process
  • How to de-risk robot applications and trends in making robot deployment easier
  • The use of artificial intelligence and vison to enhance the capability of robot and autonomous mobile robot applications
Learn more and register


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