Bagels and Thins fibre claims

16 April 2024

Warburtons committed to ensuring it highlighted the fibre content of bakery products on front of pack and use standout logos on pack for those products that are a source of or high in fibre


The bakery occasions category is growing, with products such as Thin Bagels, Thins and Pittas being chosen more often than ever by consumers as a way to swtich up mealtimes, and often create out of home meals, in the home.

Warburtons recognised the opportunity to highlight the positve nutritional benefits the products it makes in this category to help more consumers making sensible healthier choices.

Over the last 12 months, Warburtons has added standout information on the front of products to highlight when they contain a source of, or are high in fibre. Those products include:

  • Cinnamon & Raisin, Protein and 21 Seeds & Grains Thin Bagels
  • Half & Half and Brown Thins

These are all key products in the Warburtons range, and are all becoming increasingly popular with consumers. They are often supported through social media activity, influencer gifting and through PR.