Educating on Fibre

16 April 2024

In 2023, General Mills launched two key educational campaigns to highlight the benefits of fibre for our employees, and consumers.


In May, an external dietician-led employee education session on fibre was held; covering what fibre is and what it does. This included product ranking, Q&A, and practical tips to increase fibre in diets. This was followed with an internal video from the expert dietician summarising the key messages to benefit an even wider group of our employees.

General Mills supported the launch of a UK consumer survey, to better understand consumer knowledge and habits around fibre. Our partner dietician gathered this consumer data, alongside a comprehensive literature review, to product a scientific report that highlighted the benefits of fibre for the British population. This report has been disseminated to mainstream and health-forward media, to help increase consumer awareness on the benefits of fibre for Fibre February.