Social media campaign supporting Fibre February

16 April 2024

In February 2023, AB Mauri released a social media campaign to support the launch of their new healthy bread ‘ProGrains’ range via the Craft Bakers Association channels. By strategically aligning the campaign with Fibre February, they expanded its reach to a targeted audience beyond the confines of AB Mauri's followers.


AB Mauri’s goal was to effectively communicate the importance of increasing fibre consumption to a specific and targeted audience.

The Craft Bakers Association represents small bakery owners throughout the UK and as members, there is the opportunity to harness the influence of their social media platforms, spanning LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. AB Mauri took advantage of this opportunity by organising a weeklong campaign which coincided with the start of Fibre February to showcase their latest health conscious 'Prograins' bread range, including two products with a source of fibre and two which are high in fibre. As part of the campaign, they placed a spotlight on Fibre February, featuring original and captivating content, including videos and infographics. This enabled AB Mauri to raise awareness of increased fibre consumption to an extended audience within the baking industry, with further reach than their own social media channels alone. Simultaneously, it provided small businesses insights into new and innovative products available to them which can help their customers increase their fibre intake.

The campaign was a great success with records showing high engagement, especially on the wholegrains video posted on the 2nd of February. Additionally, AB Mauri received an influx of enquiries regarding the new range.