Mars - Be Well Together

21 May 2024

Mars’ Be Well Together framework covers Associates’ physical and mental wellbeing. Every Mars site undergoes a healthy worksite certification process, and a wide range of resources, programmes and benefits – including on-site gyms and an employee assistance programme – are offered to Associates.


Mars takes a holistic approach to Associate health & wellbeing through its Be Well Together framework. It helps Associates consider all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing through the three components: Energise Your Day; Boost Your Health; and Live Your Purpose. Further, it shows the importance of the social aspects of health.

In addition to global offerings, Mars provides numerous resources and benefits at its sites. For example, Mars has on-site gyms at its factories throughout the UK that are available to all Associates for a nominal fee. Mars also partners with Gympass to offer Associates and their families access to an extensive network of gyms, studios and apps. Occupational health physiotherapy is available at six sites throughout the country, as well as through private health insurance – giving access to treatment for acute or persistent muscle or joint disorders. The Cycle to Work scheme is available as an employee benefit.

These facilities and benefits supplement activations that are organised by site teams, supported by annual budgets. Pilates, breathwork, yoga and meditation classes have been rolled out at different locations. In 2023, “Mars Mile” walks were introduced as monthly events to encourage Associates to move more and connect with one another.

On-site facilities management also reflects Be Well Together. Associates have communal eating spaces, and there are agreements with external suppliers to offer healthier food and drink options. Mars uses discount pricing to encourage the selection of healthier choices. Sites also take into account office ergonomics and design, with minimum criteria in place for the provision of sit-stand desks and quiet/focus workspaces.

Promoting positive mental health at Mars starts at a cultural level, with a focus on breaking down stigmas and creating an environment where people can speak openly about mental health. 150+ mental health first aiders have been trained across the business, and every Associate has direct, 24-hour access to resources and support through an employee assistance programme. These programmes and resources are supplemented by in-house training and events. In 2023, almost 5,000 Associates joined a webinar to mark World Mental Health Day and to hear directly about colleagues’ experiences of living and working with anxiety.

Mars holds itself accountable for Associate health & wellbeing through a healthy worksite certification process, measuring each of the company’s sites against evidence-based fundamentals of a healthy, energizing, and safe culture.