Nestlé - Health and Wellbeing Strategy

21 May 2024

Employees’ health and wellbeing have always been one of Nestlé’s key priorities. The company’s aim is to inspire our employees to make informed decisions about their health, safety and wellbeing. Nestlé UK&I believe that healthy employees are happier, more engaged and the best ambassadors for the business.



The Nestle UK&I Health and Wellbeing Strategy is based on 5 strategic priorities; each priority is based on influences to Nestlé’s employees to make the right lifestyle choices to keep them healthy, happy and productive both at home and at work.

Nestlé’s Mental Wellbeing Plan

  • The company has raised awareness and understanding of mental ill health, supporting employees on how it can be improved.
  • Nestlé is keen on better reporting of data and absence in order to measure the impact of the interventions.
  • The company has educated managers on how they can identify and support themselves and employees if they suffer from poor mental health.

Nestlé’s Physical Wellbeing Plan - Since 2015, all employees’ have been offered a personal health check with emphasis on coaching and behavioural change, where their key biometrics are measured, the results shared, and an action plan is created to address any risks. A study carried out by the RSPH in 2018 showed the results emanating from the Nestlé health check programme: for those Nestlé employees who were assessed as high-risk (and attended at least one follow-up appointment) improvements were seen across all the physical/clinical health factors that were measured/re-tested as part of the programme i.e. total cholesterol, HDL Ratio, BMI, blood pressure, hydration and VO2 MAX/fitness.

A safe workplace - Recruiting and retaining great Occupational Health practitioners has been and remains challenging. Nestlé’s in-house Occupational Health team has been rebuilt, had significant investment to ensure an engaging and competitive career proposition and the company has built a talent pipeline to ensure our team is sustainable, thus retain key talent

Nutrition - As the world’s biggest food and drink manufacturer, ensuring that employees understand the benefits of great nutrition is a key part of Nestlé’s wellbeing strategy. Working with catering partners, the company has set minimum nutritional standards across all sites and provided training for all employees in healthy eating.

Work & Life Blend - Hybrid working in Nestlé’s offices remains in place post pandemic. The company also encourages employees to bring their dog to work at pet friendly offices. Since 2022, Nestlé has also provided ongoing financial education, to assist in improving personal financial management.