Regulatory Updates Webinar

09 July 2024

Join us for this FDF regulatory webinar, held twice a year, to learn about the latest and upcoming changes in food safety and consumer information regulation and policy. Our FDF experts will share their insights to help you stay on top of the current legislative proposals and prepare for upcoming changes.

This live 1-hour webinar will provide:

  • A comprehensive overview of the key food safety management practices and relevant regulatory developments in GB/UK and EU.
  • The expected timeframes for change and their implications.
  • The potential outcomes and next steps.
  • Opportunity for Q&A.

Topics: Bread and flour regulations, Acrylamide, Regulated products reform, Precision breeding regulation, Listeria in ready-to-eat foods, Bisphenol A.

Save the date for our next update- 3rd December 2024

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Technical / Regulatory / Technologists / Food Safety / Quality / Supply Chain

Link to December 2023 update

Regulatory Updates Webinar